Minicab law & safety
Taking a minicab is one of the quickest and most pleasant ways of getting around London, but there are one or two things to be aware of to make you experience safe and enjoyable. Unlike taxis, private minicabs more often than not look like ordinary cars, and with over 49,000 of them in London, the following advice should help you distinguish the good from the bad .
– Did you know that all minicab journeys that have not been booked beforehand by phone, over the internet or at a minicab office are illegal and because of this the driver will not be insured? Always book beforehand and don’t be tempted to organise travel directly through a driver.
-All legal, professional private minicab companies must be registered with the Public Carriage Office. Drivers should have their license on display at all times.
– Private cars that tout for business outside of pubs and clubs are breaking the law. If you need transportaiton after a night out, book your return with us or text Cabwise to receive the number of two nearby licensed minicab firms.